Annual General Meeting
22 June 2010
6:30 PM
Grand Paragon Hotel


to be advised


Monday, April 19, 2010

Taking on Challenges in Life

Challenges are put into our life everyday. It may be small challenges or big challenges.

But today, I was given a challenge.

To do one good deed everyday.

It struck me that we hardly do that anymore. We're so protective of ourselves, of our money, of our reputation - that we forget about others.

Strangers in the street. Strangers in the shop.

A good deed does not need to be giving of a million dollars to a person. But it could be something simple like picking up a bag dropped by someone. Or even to buy a drink for the salesman that asks you to buy a toothbrush while you're having lunch.

Taking up the challenge, to help fellow toastmasters to become better leaders, to become better speakers. to become better communicators.

Taking up the challenge, to greet and smile at strangers. To make another person's day better.

Life is already full of stress. Doing a good deed not only helps others, but it lifts up your spirits as well. You feel better, you become less stressed. When you feel less stressed, you will automatically feel more confident.

That's the reason why many people like the way toastmasters clubs conduct their meetings. We encourage. We exhort. We praise.

I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!!

(by VPPR Charlotte Goh)

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