Annual General Meeting
22 June 2010
6:30 PM
Grand Paragon Hotel


to be advised


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Miri Convention - Day 2

Congratulations to Siew Weng Yue for getting through the early morning run-off and being eligible for the District level competition tomorrow!

You're the BEST!

As for the International Speech Competition Runoff A (which was the one I was in), the competition was a true show of talents among the various divisions.

The final 3 from runoff A are:

1. Iin Haryani
2. Stephen Fernando
3. Bhavna Sutrisna

CONGRATULATIONS, wishing you all the best for the final round tomorrow!


My Story

I rested and went through my speech in the morning, choosing to stay in rather than go for the Opening ceremony. Despite being scared and worried, I went up and did as best as I could, with the thought of speaking from my heart.

Out of 7 contestants, I was 6th. When it was my turn, I went up in my White jacket and told myself, 'SMILE'.

I delivered the speech with as much gusto as I can summon.

People commented that my speech was 'powerful'.

And you wonder (I wonder too), what was the missing winning element (it's evaluation time). With the help of fellow caring toastmasters, we analysed my speech and came up with the following reasons:

a. The content and speech title did not connect very well.
b. Not enough humour.
c. The content could have been with more solid information.

Lessons learnt from this experience:

  • Talking in a large auditorium is VERY different from talking in a small hall.
  • Use of PERSONAL experiences are more effective than using another person's story.
  • Even when using a headset microphone, THROW your voice - because throwing your voice and NOT holding back, will help you to express yourself much better.
  • Having more than 3 experienced toastmasters to review your speech would help to avoid more than 50% of mistakes and improve your content.
  • When we write a script, we are attuned to the speech personally. Just as how we can't see certain flaws in ourselves, we may not be able to see the flaws in the speech that we wrote. Hence, we need the comments from others to suggest and point out the improvements we can make to our speech.

This has been my FIRST experience on a district level and the support and encouragement I have received from fellow Division A members as well as other toastmasters we've met here in Miri, has helped me to stand tall and be proud that I have completed my speech at district level!

A very big, heartfelt, THANK YOU to all of you who shook my hand and told me 'all the best' at least 10 times during the past two days (you know who you are).

We shall all moot for TM Siew during the Table Topics Competition! Enjoy yourself and do your best!

Miri Convention - Day 1 (part 3)

The evening's Welcome Night proved that we are a happening bunch of people no matter what the situation.

Food was good. We had the whole 8 course dinner, which included the cold dish all the way to dessert.

To entertain us, we had an excellent musical by Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club - Spray. It was indeed a well written musical script which caught all our attention with song and dance.

The acting was very impressive with colourful costumes and well recorded music and singing.

After the dinner, we decided to let our hair down (not me, i got short hair), and walked a short distance to SOHO, a pub which had a 2-piece band. Keyboard, guitar and vocalist. That's 3?

The guy was playing both the keyboard AND the guitar. If he had a drum, he would probably play with his legs too.

Our finale song, "I Will Survive" - I won't only survive, I will Rise up to the occasion and do MORE than survive.

Right now, the confidence is brimming because everyone has been so encouraging.

That's today.

I hope it is sustained and maintained until the run-offs and the finals.

Till tomorrow morning, time for us to be snoozing.

But before that, thanks to Fung Lee-Jean, some pictures:

Back (L - R): Lee-Jean, Patricia, Harold, Teresa,
Front (L - R): Nancy, Lucy, MK, Yours truly

Table Topics Run-offs at 8am!

ALL THE BEST TO SIEW WENG YUE (Malacca Toastmasters Club) representing Division A.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Miri Convention - Day 1 (part 2)

The afternoon and evening, district council meeting - where they elect and nominate and vote for the various division govenors and the splitting of divisions due to 'overcrowding'.

The meeting was formal, but with the quirk comments of those on the floor, laughter made the longer than usual meeting bearable.

Later, it's the 'Welcome Night' with its theme of 'Denim'.

Looking forward to it.

Miri Convention - Day 1

It is day 1 of the convention and people are pouring in from all over. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei.

Woke up early this morning at 8am, but my housemates woke up even earlier and chatted amiably while I covered myself with my make-shift blanket, a bedsheet.

As we took our time to shower and brush our teeth, taking turns in that one bathroom, the mood was high and jovial.

We registered ourselves for the convention and took our bags of program book, and nametags. However, my nametag was not in the bunch. Probably because I registered late.

We went out in search of breakfast and ended up at a coffeeshop about 100m from the hotel.

They ate laksa (which was quite good) while I ate mee suah in chicken wine (the wine was not enough!).


My brain is forgetting my speech, but I am trying not to concentrate on that very much. It would not be good to worry myself beforehand.

My club members have been extremely supportive. Wanting to make my stay comfortable and ensuring that I get a good rest.

THANKS to all of you who have been so encouraging!

Miri Convention (Day -1)


Arrived Miri at 7:40pm, after a 2 hour flight on Airasia. Slept most of the way since I was tired from sleeping late and waking up early.

Arriving at the airport, reminds me of Subang airport. Smaller, but the design seems similar. But it's definitely nicer than JB's Senai ariport (for now since Senai is going through a revamp).

Sharing a cab, going to the hotel, and seeing many other toastmasters getting their keys to the rooms.

Imperial Hotel is located in town and I was very glad to see many shops nearby, especially food. We were hungry.

The hotel is ok, clean. Not new, but satisfactorily maintained. It's next to Imperial Mall - we'll see what there is tomorrow.

Sharing a two-room apartment, which usually sleeps only 3, with 4 others (ie 5 of us in one apartment. Namely, Nancy, Joyce, Lucy and MK. That makes me the youngest!

So far, it's proving alright, and it seems that my luggage is the biggest too. That's what happens when you pack only the morning when you have to leave for the airport at 2:45.

I literally dumped my clothes into the luggage, not being sure of which I would want to wear for the next few days, hence, causing me to overpack and checking in a 13kg luggage.

The laptop is important, as I have decided to update this blog with all the sights and sounds that I will be experiencing these few days.

I am wondering how the next few days will be like.

Being a relatively new toastmaster, my first time to east Malaysia and my first trip to a toastmasters convention, I have totally no idea of what is in store.

Tonight might be the only night that I have some time to myself. Who knows, by tomorrow, I will be sucked up into the festivity of it all.

Till tomorrow...

(by Division A International Speech Contest Champion, Charlotte Goh, CC)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

District 51 Div A International Speech Contest 2010

IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND (9 May 2010)

I was the last contestant out of 8. It's nerve wrecking to be the last. To listen to 7 other speeches that are just as good and to feel jittery and restless.

However, it was truly an amazing feeling when your name is called and you realise you've achieved something regional and going on national.

Thank you to those who went for the contest today, and for those of you who supported me and believed in me.

~ it's all in our mind ~ charlotte ~

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

URGENT NOTE - Change Venue

Dear all,
Please be informed that due to some unforeseen circumstances, the
venue for the Workshop and Division A International Speech and Table-Topic
Contests this coming Sunday, 9th May 2010 has been changed to :-
The workshop is from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
The Contests will be from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm (Registration starts at 1.30 pm)
We have a total of 32 participants for the Workshop and about 100 pax for
the Contests.
For those who have registered for the workshop, please bring along your
Competent Communication Manual. The workshop will be highly interactive
and discussions will be centred on Speech Project No. 2, 3, 4, 7 and
possibly 9 & 10.
For further information, pls contact me at 012-7233710
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cindy Wong
Division A Gov 2009/2010